The French Cold Turkey
The last French President to visit Turkey was François Mitterrand; as with many things, it’s time for Hollande to pick up where the last socialist French President left off. [dhr] [dhr]...
View ArticleA Round Up Of Turkish-Syrian Relations
As Ankara has made such an issue of Bashar al-Assad stepping down, Turkish-Syrian tensions will undoubtedly remain highly strung for as long as the dictator remains in power. [dhr] [dhr]...
View ArticleUp Patriots To Turkey
NATO, Siria e Turchia: prove tecniche di guerra contemporanea. [dhr] [dhr] [dropcap]S[/dropcap]taranno arrivando in queste ore, via posta o in kit di montaggio, i quattrocento soldati che la Turchia ha...
View ArticleTurkey: Democracy In Action
Erdoğan has recently become increasingly deaf to opposition instead of displaying the pragmatism he had previously. This has catalyzed in the current street protests in a response to an enfeebled...
View ArticleCipro: tra sviluppo energetico e tensioni politiche
La questione energetica pone una nuova sfida alle relazioni turco-cipriote: gli enormi interessi in gioco potranno essere forieri di ulteriori tensioni oppure la carta vincente per una strategia che...
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